
What SEO Companies Do

SEO is one of those industries that can be tough to understand. Since it is a B2B business, meaning we only do business with other businesses, average folks often don't think about how companies conduct their internet marketing efforts.

Even business owners are often fantastic at the work they do, but may have little or no knowledge about how to market their business effectively online.

Today we want to briefly go through the main services we provide here at Be Locally SEO, to help you understand better how we can help your business truly succeed online, and so you can feel comfortable with the work we are doing each month.

Build High-Quality Websites

High Quality Website

The main reason SEO companies build websites is so we can be sure they are good quality, and that they will work well with your SEO campaign. We work closely with our clients to create a website that has the look and feel they want, along with excellent navigation, mobile-friendliness, quality content, and a few other items that make your site easily used by readers and easily understood by Google.

We can also have our professional writers produce high-quality, seo-friendly content for your site, and we can even create custom images and logos, if you want.

Sometimes websites have special considerations, such as business with multiple locations, or ecommerce sites, or businesses that want a unique piece of customized content. We think about all these situations as we build the site, so that it works right from the ground up.

Incidentally, if you are considering purchasing a new SEO-friendly website that should last you several years, read through our website pricing guide.

Make Sure Your Website is SEO-Friendly

SEO Friendly Website

Once you have a website live, we get inside it. We check out its guts and make sure it's healthy. We want Google bots to scan your site and leave with a very clear understanding of what your business does, so that you can begin showing up in the right searches.

Here are a few items we do when we perform this on-site optimization:

Title tags and meta descriptions: We make sure your main keywords are used wisely in title tags and meta descriptions. We also add geo-targeting of your city or state. We check the pages of your site to be sure your keywords can be found in the content.

Phone numbers and contact forms: We make all the phone numbers on your site click-to-call. This means anyone looking at your site on a mobile device can simply touch the phone number to call you. We check to see that your contact forms are working. We also double check details like your address, to make sure the search engines have consistent and correct information about your business.

Analytics: We install Google Analytics on your site. This is a very useful tool that helps us measure your traffic, where it came from, where its going, time spent on your site and other useful metrics. It can even tell you how many times people clicked to call, or filled out a contact form.

Mobile friendliness: We double check that your site works well on mobile devices, and fix it if it does not.

Site speed: We check your site's load time, and install file-compressing tools if necessary.

Other technical work: We check several other small technical items, to make sure your site is as SEO-friendly as possible.

Create Business Listings and Build Links

Having well-done, accurate, verified business listings on Google, Bing and Facebook is important. These are powerful links to your website, and can only be verified if your information is correct. Setting up these listings and getting them verified is one of the first tasks we tackle for new clients.

You'll know that you have a Google My Business listing if it shows up in the sidebar area when anyone searches for your business name. This listing includes and image of your location, a description of your business, phone number and address, and a link to your website. This is also where customers leave reviews.

business listing

Perhaps the most important work we do is build links to your website. Without links, your website is like a billboard in the desert - it might look nice, but no one will ever see it. We manually create links that push strength to your website. This work takes time, and is done on an ongoing basis. Each month, new links are created which strengthen your site and online presence.

Clean Up Bad Information

Clean Up Bad Infomation

If you have changed phone numbers or moved your location, or if incorrect information exists online, we do everything we can to clean it up. Sometimes this work is easily done, and other times it is very difficult, even impossible to accomplish.

This is time-consuming work. It involves first finding the incorrect information, then contacting the places where the information is found and asking them to fix it or remove it. Sometimes we have to make several requests before bad information is removed.

Blogging and Social Media

Blogging and Social Media

If your package includes blogging, our professional writers create high-quality blog posts for you. This is perhaps the most time-consuming work we do. Blog posts typically take about 30 days to complete. The writers research topics related to your business, so they can write correct and useful blog posts. We also send these pieces to our staff editor, so you can feel confident that blog posts contain the best grammar and writing, and conform to our standards.

We schedule your blog posts to be published, optimize them on your website with internal links and good meta descriptions, and include an image. Once your blog post is live, we promote it on your social media accounts.

If your package includes social media, we create 3 social media posts per week. We research news items, articles, and other information relevant to your industry, and post it on your social media sites. These keep your social sites up-to-date, which lets prospects know that you are present and professional.

Create, Optimize, and Maintain AdWords Ads

Adwords Ads

If your campaign includes PPC ads, this will be a large part of the work we do for you. Our experts create high-quality AdWords ads, and watch them closely to be sure they are working correctly and performing well. We touch base with you periodically to discuss the progress and budget, and suggest any needed changes.

AdWords is an ongoing expense, and requires constant attention. Rest assured, we monitor your ads daily.

AdWords also comes with extensive reporting information. We are able to give you access to these analytics so you can see for yourself the effectiveness of your online advertising.

Website Maintenance

If your package includes website maintenance, we are available to take care of small requests, such as adding new images or content, updating contact forms, or generally fixing anything that breaks.

Reporting and Accountability


When you first sign up for SEO services, we set you up with reporting, so that you can see each month where you started, and how much progress you are making. This reporting measures your average ranking position for top keywords, as well as website traffic and growth to your social sites.

Additionally, our account managers check in with you regularly to make sure you are happy with the progress of your online marketing campaign. We monitor your progress, help you read the reports you are sent, and discuss any concerns you might have. We are always striving to keep our customers happy!

What Can You Do To Help?

For marketing to work well, it is essential that we talk with clients regularly. You know your business better than we do, so working together is the only way to achieve success. Some basic actions you can take to help your campaign to be a good experience include:

Timely replies: We strive to respond to clients quickly, and we appreciate when clients do the same. Projects are completed and problems are solved more quickly when we can easily communicate with you.

Inform us about your business: Especially if we are writing website content or blog posts for you, we can do a better job if we have plenty of information about your products, services, and business philosophy. If you have pictures of your office, your projects, or proprietary product images, we can incorporate them, too!

Connect off-line marketing: Many business owners forget to connect their offline and online marketing efforts. Please let us know when you run tv ads, send out mailers, or hold a big sale or event. We can update your website to reflect a more comprehensive view of your business, and make a more seamless experience for your customers.

The Bottom Line

SEO is not a set-it-and-forget-it industry. It requires consistent attention to keep it running smoothly, and consistent attention is exactly what we do. Our talented team revisits your website regularly to build links, fix anything that breaks, run ads, publish blogs, promote your pages on social channels, and suggest necessary upgrades or updates.

We keep a close watch on your rankings, too. If your rankings change, we will know about it, and we will work on helping them improve.

Online marketing is an important component of your business strategy, and hiring a professional team can make all the difference in your overall success. Be Locally SEO has the skillset and tools to do the job right!

Contact us to hear more about how our consistent, day-to-day marketing efforts can work for your business.

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