For newer businesses just getting set up on social media, one of the first channels that should be utilized is Facebook. As one of the single largest networks available, plus one with an incredibly robust system of ads and other features, Facebook is a vital advertising and connection network for numerous businesses.
At Be Locally SEO, we offer a wide range of online marketing efforts, spanning from local SEO and various SEO services to web design, PPC and even social media marketing areas. For those just getting their business Facebook page up and running, how can you go about promoting it to help it grow into the ideal resource for your business? Here are a few basic tips we can offer.
For starters, this doesn’t have to be a completely from-scratch effort – you can utilize existing lists and networks to help build up your Facebook presence. Anyone already on your email or other contact lists should be sent an invitation to your Facebook page, and you should add a social media button to all email footers so those who receive your emails have a chance to join as well.
On top of this, if you’re already active on other social networks like Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or LinkedIn, you can use these to draw interest in Facebook as well. Your most dedicated clients will be happy to follow you on multiple platforms.
As we noted above, Facebook is perhaps the single most robust network when it comes to ads. They have valuable targeting features that allow you to reach specific demographics with your ads, plus a Custom Audiences feature that allows you to upload an email list and automatically reach out to new contacts. You should utilize these features regularly as you get started.
There are also numerous chances to post non-paid content, such as helpful posts, calls to action and others that will incentivize people to like and follow your page. Be sure to infuse regular video and images here, as these are elements that tend to do well on Facebook.
Wherever it makes sense, such as on your website or blog, add a follow button that allows readers to follow your Facebook page in a single click. This is an easy task for any web design pro, and just adds another chance for your page to receive attention and become more robust.
Finally, while online promotion of your Facebook page is vital, also be sure to focus on offline promotion where possible. Particularly if you’re a business type that regularly interacts with clients or groups offline, consider things like cards, flyers, signs, billboards or even T-shirts to promote your new social media presence.
For more on properly promoting your business Facebook page, or to learn about any of our SEO services, speak to the staff at Be Locally SEO today.