
Is Your Mobile Content Strategy Ready for 2015?

Mobile Content Marketing

Last year, the focus shifted increasingly from generalized content marketing to having a mobile content strategy. With 2/3rds of Americans owning a smartphone and more than 40% owning tablets, more brands than ever before are connecting with their clients via mobile devices. As a result, it’s helpful to think through how you’re developing and deploying your content in the mobile context. Mobile optimization is more than just about having a website that looks great on a range of devices. It also requires a different approach to how you’re developing and packaging your content. Here’s a closer look at the essentials of a mobile content strategy for 2015, and what business leaders need to know.

Mobile integrates with standard digital marketing strategy

In the past couple of years, one of the big trends in digital marketing has been convergence. SEO, social media marketing, content development and other disciplines are finding that the boundaries between them are fading. As search engines increasingly rely on a wide range of these data points for signals about which sites to put at the top of the results, each aspect of your digital marketing plan is equally important. Instead of treating mobile like a silo, businesses are understanding that today their mobile strategy is their online marketing strategy. Making decisions about your mobile strategy is a critical part of your marketing plan, and fully supports your broader branding and digital promotion efforts.

Content development goes mobile-first

Previously, the approach to content development focused on writing and creating first for desktop users and then finding ways to pare down content for mobile mediums. Today, content creators need to ask themselves first what will work for the small screen and mobile devices, and then successfully scale up. For example, longer articles may help to satisfy readers seeking in-depth information. But it’s a challenge to wade through thousands of words on tiny screens. Successful businesses are posting shorter blogs and articles more often, and experimenting with mobile-friendly content forms such as video, visuals, and audio. Before publishing any form of content, it’s helpful to ask yourself the question: how would this piece of content render on a small smartphone screen? Make sure that your content offers a mobile-friendly experience for users.

M-Commerce features increasingly in demand

Mobile commerce is on the rise, and mobile commerce-related features are increasingly in demand. Many stores are strictly brick and mortar, and it may not be feasible to sell services online. But for companies with physical products, adding an online distribution channel may help grow their revenues. Other popular features include online chats with staff for customer service, the ability to purchase gift certificates, and online scheduling features. Specific information – such as pricing and product details – can also help consumers in the research phase of the buying process. The more creative you can be about offering helpful information to buyers, the more your website will become a useful lead generation and revenue generation channel.

Does your business need help developing and implementing a mobile optimization strategy for 2015? Contact Be Locally SEO today to arrange for a personalized consultation and to discuss how our experienced team can help you meet your business goals in the year ahead.

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