
Use Blogging to Drive Traffic to Your Small Business Website


Are you blogging yet? If you own a small business and have a website for it, blogging should be on your to-do list. After all, even the best website is useless if no one sees it. If you want to improve sales for your business, you need more visibility for your site, and one of the simplest ways to achieve this is to start blogging. If you're wondering how effective blogs can be, take a look at how this tactic can increase website traffic.

More Indexed Pages

If you want to appeal to new customers, you need your website to show up on search engine results pages, or SERPs. More specifically, you want it to show up on the first page or two. Of course, all of your competitors have the same goal, so you need to be strategic in this approach. To have the best chance of your website appearing on the first page of the search results, you must prove to Google's web crawlers that your site is frequently updated. Since you probably rarely update the rest of your website, your blog is your best bet. Each time you write a new post, you create a new indexed page. This signals to search engines that your site is active and therefore worth a spot on the SERPs, which is how you gain visibility among new customers.

A Chance to Use SEO

Another reason to blog for your business is that you get more chances to employ Search Engine Optimization (SEO), using certain keywords and key phrases. You can only use so many throughout your static website pages without the content sounding unnatural. Writing blogs gives you a chance to use keywords on a regular basis and, when you do this, you make it easier for search engines to find your website. Consider also hiring an SEO expert to figure out which keywords you should use in your blogs, based on what your potential customers are searching for in your area. Then you can sprinkle those into your blog posts in a way that sounds natural.

Shareable Content

If you're always looking for new posts to put on your small business social media accounts, blogging is a great idea. Every time you publish a new blog on your website, you can post a link to it on every social network you use. Not only will your social media followers and friends see your content, but as long as it's useful and engaging, they may also share it. Social media interactions serve as a signal to Google and other search engines that your content is useful and relevant, and it deserves to be seen in the SERP’s. This tactic also helps you build awareness of your brand with potential new customers, and establish your businesses as an expert in your field.

Most business owners have more on their to-do list than hours in the day, so if creating new content on a regular basis sounds daunting, there’s a great alternative solution. Engage the services of an internet marketing consultant to create and aggregate your blogs and social media content for you. You want as many people as possible to know about your company, so contact Be Locally SEO about digital content packages today!

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