
Internet Marketing Blog

November 19, 2013
Why Online Marketing Needs to Be the Center of Your 2014 Marketing Budget

As the final quarter of 2013 draws to a close, businesses are assessing their progress this past year and planning for 2014. Designing your marketing budget for the year ahead provides the opportunity to make critical strategic choices on where to spend your time and money. Digital marketing is one area where many businesses intend […]

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November 6, 2013
SEO for Ecommerce Sites

Maybe you’ve dabbled in search engine optimization (SEO) basics for your meme cat blog. Maybe you didn’t even know what SEO stood for until you read that last sentence. No matter where you stand on the SEO knowledge spectrum, if you own or manage an Ecommerce site, it’s time to start taking SEO (and maybe […]

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October 28, 2013
Recent Developments in Facebook as a Social Tool

You’d think that the king of social media would be a bit more, well, social. Fortunately, some recent developments and updates are moving at warp speed in that direction. The simple action of being able to edit your postings from Android phones is a much welcome change, and has iOS users drooling (whether they’ll admit […]

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October 3, 2013
How the Marriage of YouTube and Google+ Can Help Your Business

You may not realize that YouTube is owned by Google—where are those tell-tale primary colors, the high techiness and the general streamlined look? YouTube is a favorite time killer and your go-to source for funny cat videos. But it can do so much more for you and your business, and Google is stepping things up […]

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September 26, 2013
Search Engine Rankings: Why Reviews Matter for Your Bottom Line

For consumers, the development of review sites such as Google+ for Business, Citysearch, Insider Pages, and Yelp have largely been a great development. It’s easy to quickly find out about the quality of service or products at a specific store or restaurant. It’s also simple to vent your frustrations with a bad customer service experience […]

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September 10, 2013
What Factors Are Driving Local Search in 2013 and Beyond

For businesses marketing on the local level, SEO is a critical tool meant for getting in front of customers and prospects. Yet Google’s ever-changing landscape and evolving algorithm makes it difficult to know where to best invest your time. This year’s MOZ Local Search Ranking Factors survey gives us an insiders’ view by combining the feedback of […]

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August 23, 2013
Why Responsive Design Matters

No matter how big or small your business, your online presence is a driving force behind your sales. It doesn’t matter if you’re a masseur or provide the best luxury contracting services in the Northeast. Customers want to find you online, see testimonials, shoot you an email and basically get a preview of what they […]

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August 19, 2013
A Five Factor Approach to Effective SEO Marketing

Let’s face it – how we get customers through the doors has changed drastically in recent years. Twenty years ago, the easiest way to find a service or product was to open the Yellow Pages and pore over black and white ads. These days, online search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing are the go-to […]

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August 14, 2013
Why You Need Professional Help with AdWords

Google is all about helping you run your business easily and, most importantly in the eyes of many startups and small businesses, on a shoestring budget. The introduction of AdWords was met with much glee and excitement from those closely watching the bottom line. It’s super easy, right? According to Google, it’s pretty much a […]

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August 1, 2013
Truly Customized Web Designs to Maximize Exposure

Truly Customized Web Designs to Maximize Exposure If you don’t know much about search engine optimization (SEO), that’s okay—that’s what SEO experts are for. However, no matter how big or small your e-commerce business, blog, or any other web presence may be, SEO matters. Summed up, it’s the talent (and art) of maximizing your online […]

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