
Tips to Improve Your Google AdWords Campaigns for Better Results

November 5, 2015

Google Adwords
Google AdWords
, when properly managed, is one of the most effective and affordable ways to build your business. Use this powerful tool incorrectly, however, and you may as well toss your valuable marketing dollars out the window.

To further complicate the matter, Google is constantly changing the rules and updating the algorithms that determine your search results and ad placement. Read on for some up-to-the-minute tips and tricks to help you get the most from your AdWords budget.

Create Magic with AdGroups

In AdWords, you create overarching ad campaigns, and within each campaign, you can create individual AdGroups. For example, you may have a campaign for shoes, and AdGroups for women’s, men’s and children’s shoes. Or, if you want to target your prospects even more, you may have better luck with groups for women’s athletic shoes, women’s dress shoes and women’s boots.

For each AdGroup, design at least three different ads, one of which is specifically for mobile users. Be sure each includes a strong call to action (more than “call today” or “click here”) with at least one of your keywords or phrases. Finally, be sure that the URL in each ad takes the prospect directly to that product, otherwise you’ll lose the sale.

The Thing about Keywords …

You can find tons of advice online on how to select effective keywords, but most self-proclaimed SEO experts forget to mention the first rule of search terms: Make sure your customers are searching on Google for what you’re selling. If they’re not, this may not be the right place for you to focus. Consider, however, that maybe your prospects are using other search terms.

Your goal is to discover the search terms your prospects are using, not just to search for your product, but to buy it. How do you do that? Start by looking at what your successful competitors are doing.

This also means narrowing your focus and keywords. Avoid broad, general terms unless you seek simply to build brand awareness. If you want to close sales, solve your prospects’ problem by using the specific phrases they’re typing into the search bar when they buy.

Use Negative Keywords Effectively

You know how frustrating it is when your search results are full of links that aren’t even relevant? Now imagine how frustrated those business owners are, wasting their AdWords dollars on people who don’t need what their selling. Don’t be them.

Negative keywords help prevent irrelevant exposure. For example, if you specialize in women’s athletic shoes, use negative keywords to avoid shoppers searching for women’s pumps or sandals.

Some Final Tips

You can improve your success rate and ROAS (“return on ad spend”) by using the AdWords scheduling function, which lets you run your ads on the days and times you know your prospects are buying. For example, if your core customers are male college students, you’re probably wasting money if ads run on Friday or Saturday nights.

Use Ad extensions whenever possible. Extensions increase the amount of information you can show the prospect, since without them you’re very limited in how much text you can use (your title limit is 25 characters and your ad is limited to two lines of 35 characters each).

By adding extensions, you can display a click-to-call phone number, seller rating, a map to your business (if you’re local) and links to other pages on your site. You can even include images and prices for your merchandise.

Finally, when you find the perfect combination of AdWords elements and your campaign begins to convert well, consider upping its budget to maximize your returns.

If all this sounds a bit complex and overwhelming, consider consulting with an online marketing specialist who can build and manage your campaigns for you. AdWords is highly effective when done right; however, building and managing campaigns takes time and constant attention.

Be Locally SEO specializes in producing measurable results using all of Google’s resources, combined with other proven e-commerce and content strategies. Contact us today and let us help you achieve amazing results using Google AdWords.


Want to know more about AdWords? Our expert recommends:

How Google AdWords Can Benefit Your Business
Using Google AdWords to Target Specific Customers
Advantages of Using a Google AdWords Partner

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