
Prepping Your SEO for a Mobile-Ready International Landscape

Mobile Marketing & SEO

Your search engine optimization (SEO) might have to shift just a little or quite a bit now that mobile readiness is here and more companies are going international. “Multi-device SEO” is something that businesses of all sizes need to address, especially now that more Americans are on mobile devices than desktops. It requires additional criteria, tactics, and tools in order to stay ahead of the SEO curve. Savvy businesses should abide by both mobile and desktop best practices to optimize for behavior, restrictions, characteristics, and requirements.

For example, from a mobile perspective it’s not just about content optimization (although that’s huge!), but also space limitations and speed. Maybe your website would benefit from having a mobile version. Businesses also need to pick the right mobile web approach (parallel, dynamic, or responsive) and get tags in place so that redirects are correct and search engines are identifying it correctly.

Mobile. Ready?

It’s crucial to work with a reputable SEO agency because every business, and business’ mobile ready campaign, is unique. Some might have to personalize offers, such as promotions, just for mobile audiences. Sometimes a mobile audience is totally different than the desktop audience—this means a dynamic approach is in demand. You can figure this out via analytics and big data (or, better yet, let a pro do it for you).

Many SEO gurus think app search is the next big thing for Google’s search algorithms. However, app search optimization (ASO) is still in its infancy. Google has started the process via “deep links” designed for app content, and it will only grow from there. That is why smart business owners are getting in on the ground floor.

Global Appeal

A natural branch of mobile readiness is targeting international audiences. Of course, every industry in every country will showcase different behaviors. Some regions might be heavily reliant on smartphones while others aren’t, for example. Thus, early research is crucial in order to figure out key phrases, terms, and query behavior for each device in the region.

Mistakes are very common when businesses launch global sites without the right experts on deck. Most often, a lack of research and solid strategies are the perpetrators. This leads to poorly translated sites with subpar localized content. There are instances where snippets of websites are still in English when the target audience is German (such as having URLs in English or still having dollar signs). Some businesses fail to take different seasons or holidays into account, or fail hard in “mixed countries” where there are multiple primary languages—ultimately causing misalignment problems.

Cultural SEO Awareness

Some of the most common (and unfortunate) mistakes happen when two countries speak the same language, such as Spain and Mexico. Of course, the behavior of the local audience is totally different, cultural preferences are different, and even the language itself is different. A good SEO agency will take a two-prong approach: Cultural and technical.

To really win at mobile readiness and international markets, do your own research—or hire a pro to do it for you. “Best practices” are a catch-all and can only get you so far.

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