
Infusing Empathy and Emotion into Website Content

April 14, 2020

During this difficult period for most of society, one where many lives and jobs have been lost and daily life as we know it is flipped on its head, those who create content may periodically feel like they’re at a loss. It can be difficult to find both motivation and prudent topics to cover during a time like this, especially for those trying to market products in what feels like an emotion-less way.

At Be Locally SEO, meaningful content creation is a big part of our web design and overall SEO services. Themes like empathy and emotion have long been important ones for content creation, and they’ve taken on even greater meaning during recent months – with this in mind, here are some basic tips for how to include empathy, emotion and similar themes in content to connect with readers.

empathy emotion website content

Consider Targeted Readers

First and foremost, take some time to consider precisely who you’re targeting and writing for with your content. Do your best to try and understand where their head will be at while they’re reading your content – these are real people, after all, and they have emotions just like the rest of us. The more real you can make this for yourself, the better it will come across to readers.

In addition, you can consider numerous basic pieces of information about targeted readers to help you along this path. Think about age ranges, interests, common occupations, skill levels, and various questions or challenges they may have in their life that relate to your products or services in some way. If you can find ways to answer these questions or fill in gaps for them, you’re on the right track.

Education and Answering Questions

Once you’ve spent some time determining the questions and needs your readers will have, now it’s time to get to work answering these. You’re looking for ways to help them achieve goals or fill needs.


While doing so, look for ways to personalize and humanize the things you’re writing. Share personal stories or anecdotes that make you relatable to the reader, particularly if you have personal experience with some of their needs. This brings meaning and emotion to what you’re writing, allowing readers to connect with you in special ways.

Content Goals

Finally, for your own good and that of your readers, set goals for pieces of content and content creation periods. Think about where you want to take the audience, for one, but you can also spend time planning out your day of content and performing other basic tasks that will make the process easier for you to approach with empathy and care.

For more on how to infuse empathy and emotion into content creation, or to learn about any of our SEO, PPC or web design services, speak to the staff at Be Locally SEO today.

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