
Earn More Customer Reviews via Mobile

Mobile Reviews

Customer reviews are critical today to the success of most businesses, thanks in large part to Google’s local search algorithms. When potential customers see that your business has many existing satisfied clients, they are much more likely to engage with your company themselves. The challenge is capturing the thoughts and feelings of your happy customers as quickly as possible. Because everyone works extensively with their smartphones today, it only makes sense for them to provide reviews on that platform.

Why Mobile Reviews Are More Critical than Ever

You have probably experienced the phenomenon of the forgetful customer. In the moment, after your clients have a positive experience with your business, most are eager to provide positive feedback. Unfortunately, the majority of them never do it. Life is busy and people have many competing priorities. Most clients mean well but simply forget about leaving a review. With Google’s recent push toward local search, however, having as many positive reviews as possible helps to boost your search engine rankings.

If you can capture your customers’ reviews in the moment, your chances of earning a good review increase significantly. The key then is to catch them on the spot, and provide them the opportunity to leave a review quickly and easily on their mobile phone or tablet. The good news is that you, as a business owner, can request reviews from them on the mobile platform.

The Challenge of Posting a Mobile Review

In the past, leaving a review with a smartphone or tablet was difficult for the consumer, at best. Unless the customer knew exactly which steps to follow and how to navigate the review platform, they were unlikely to make the effort (unless they were unhappy). Today, consumers can access a business through the Google Maps app and, as long as they have a Google+ profile already set up, the process involves simply logging in and typing the review. Unfortunately, few people realize they have this option.

It is also possible to leave a review using the Google+Local search function through a mobile browser. This process is difficult to describe, and tough for most people to understand easily. Consequently, you aren’t likely to have much luck sending your customers on this path.

So how can you, as a business owner, provide your customers with a simple way to leave you a review on their mobile device? The good news is that is possible, by following a few simple steps.

Provide Your Customers a Simple Way to Leave Mobile Reviews

The key to expediting your customer’s process for leaving you a review is to provide them a link to do so, with some basic, easy-to-follow instructions.

Using a mobile browser, access your business’s Google+Local search result link. (Note that this must be the search result, not your Google+ listing.)

BLS-Review-4This is how your Google+Local listing should look in search. (left image above) Click on it to open the listing. (right image above) Although it may appear that the url is www.google.com, a long hold on the address bar should reveal the full (very long!) url, and give you the option to copy.

Shorten the link (it will be very long!) using your favorite URL abbreviator (such as bitly.com). Provide the link to your customers via text message, and direct them to log in to Google+ before clicking the link. Once they click the link, they will be directed to your business listing. A little scrolling will bring them to an area where they can choose a star rating and write a review. (image below)


If this all sounds a little complex, contact us for assistance. Be Locally SEO specializes in online marketing. We help our customers build their business with a variety of strategies designed to increase your visibility and ensure that the right customers find their way to you. Call us today to learn more about how customer reviews can improve your bottom line.


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Google Reviews: The 2015 Complete Guide
Search Engine Rankings: Why Reviews Matter for Your Bottom Line
Why Mobile Website Optimization Is Important

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