
eCommerce website contenteCommerce websites are unique from other websites. While the landing page and about us page are similar to traditional websites, eCommerce websites include a variety of levels of product descriptions based on categories, subcategories, and individual products. For example, if you have an online shoe store, your landing page should feature some highly appealing content to capture a customer’s attention so they will look deeper into the website—maybe a spread of drool-worthy Jimmy Choos or your latest online deal that no shoe horse can resist.

With clear navigational options, a shopper should be able to deepen their search from Shoes to Men’s Shoes to Men’s Sports Shoes to Nike Air Jordan Shoes, with each page containing just the right amount of content to keep the buyer engaged through the actual purchase. It should be easy to use and even fun.

Be Locally SEO has the experience and expertise you deserve to prepare unique content for each description your website requires, leading to maximized sales and happy, loyal customers.  Because they vary in their complexity, please contact us for a full review of your requirements and we will prepare a quote for you based on your needs, the complexity of your site and the number of products requiring unique descriptions.


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